

Project40 was started in 2022 by me and a friend of mine to design and build RoboButts, a robot with the purpose of collecting cigarette butts. The project was presented at the Maker Faire Trieste 2022 and won the jury's 1st special mention prize.


Ars Praesidum

ArsPraesidium is a robot with the goal of defending paintings. The robot has a camera and various sensors that deploys a physical deployment protection system driven by 2 servo motors in the event of an intrusion near the painting or the throwing of objects. The robot was presented at the national stages of the Italian Robotics Championships 2023


Physics with Arduino

The project has the goal to explain some physics concepts using Arduino and some electronics. This project was presented at Arduino Week 2022, Naples Linux Day 2022 and NALUG Open Hardware Day 2023



A game in which you have to memorize the sequence of LEDs that light up by resuming them in the correct order. The project togheter with the "Riflessometro" had to purpose to introduce the new possible students of the school to electronics using some games made with Arduino



A game in which you have to test your reflexes by pressing the light button that lights up in the shortest possible time


Let's build something together

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